The Process

What we do

At Rachayita Manopratibimb we create a safe space for you to see and hear yourself within, to converse with your sub conscious. Handwriting is the most beautiful art form which directly comes from the sub conscious to reveal each and every thought of ours as a diagnostic tool and therapeutic tool. The neuro level is also used as a remedial tool to create new neuro pathways in your brain. From the first session, itself, one is challenged to get a better understanding of their choices and capabilities. Our language pattern and usage, is in sync with the various shifts happening in our body. Aristotle once said “Spoken words are the symbols of mental experience, and written words are the symbols of spoken words. Just as all people do not have same speech sounds, all people have not the same writing.” 

The Principles of graphology are simple, as face is the index of mind, Handwriting too is an instantaneous photograph of one’s mind. Our nervous system acts as a wire from brain to hand so also called as brain writing which comes on paper directly from sub conscious. It begins with the brain impulses through our five senses and forms thoughts which are transmitted to our central nervous system and then to our hands and fingers, which are used as the medium to put it in writing. Our handwriting strokes are as unique as our finger prints. Through handwriting we express the said and unsaid. When doing the reverse engineering that is the remedial tool where we are consciously trying to change the thought process through handwriting and various grapho patterns. Every stroke expresses something and that can be heard.  Handwriting and Neuro Linguistic Programming transforms your life where neuroplasticity happens in the brain. Handwriting is your Manopratibimb (your reflection), to Know your inner self. Once you can read yourself you can read others, too, so there is a stable rapport is built between yourself and others.

What we do

At Rachayita Manopratibimb we create a safe space for you to see and hear yourself within, to converse with your sub conscious. Handwriting is the most beautiful art form which directly comes from the sub conscious to reveal each and every thought of ours as a diagnostic tool and therapeutic tool. The neuro level is also used as a remedial tool to create new neuro pathways in your brain. From the first session, itself, one is challenged to get a better understanding of their choices and capabilities. Our language pattern and usage, is in sync with the various shifts happening in our body. Aristotle once said “Spoken words are the symbols of mental experience, and written words are the symbols of spoken words. Just as all people do not have same speech sounds, all people have not the same writing.” 

The Principles of graphology are simple, just like our face, our handwriting is an instantaneous rfelection of one’s mind. Our nervous system acts as a wire from the. It begins with the brain impulses through our five senses and forms thoughts which are transmitted to our central nervous system and then to our hands and fingers, which are used as the medium to put it in writing. Our handwriting strokes are as unique as our finger prints. Through handwriting we express the said and unsaid. When doing the reverse engineering that is the remedial tool where we are consciously trying to change the thought process through handwriting and various grapho patterns. Every stroke expresses something and that can be heard.  Handwriting and Neuro Linguistic Programming transforms your life where neuroplasticity happens in the brain. Handwriting is your Manopratibimb (your reflection), to Know your inner self. Once you can read yourself you can read others, too, so there is a stable rapport is built between yourself and others.

Handwriting as a diagnostic and remedial tool

When a person communicates by speech only 15-20% of his/her brain cells are activated whereas, when a person writes nearly 85-90% of his/her brain cells are triggered. Hence it is always easier to understand the person thoroughly through Handwriting. Post Pandemic and due to the growing influence of technology, there has been increase in screen time with our Gadgets. Most people have stopped writing, leading to some kind of adverse effects in life such as stress, irritation, etc. Preprimary children nowadays have also started showing tendencies of forgetting formations of alphabets, hence, writing is very important practice in every one’s life. Failure to attain handwriting competency during the school-age years often has far reaching negative effects on both academic success and self-esteem. Handwriting has become a fading art and it is our duty to keep alive by doing it on a daily basis at least by writing a letter or jotting down day to day activities. Handwriting sharpens the brain and helps us evolve. Writing is good to keep one's grey matter sharp.

It activates the larger regions of the brain responsible for thinking, language, healing working memory and concentration. Definitely boosts cognitive skills, sharpens mind inspires creativity. Coordinates the left brain and right brain working together. Handwriting is a complex skill, it is the way we record our thoughts on paper using a generally understood system of symbols. Writing involves, cognitive, Linguistic, Perceptual abilities – Motor abilities.

Writing as a cognitive skill
Writing is rather different from other movement skills in that is language- based and involves learning rules specific to our language system.

Writing as a motor skill
By the time children reach the school they can run, jump, feed dress themselves and speak fluently, in contrast, the ability to write comes later and does not develop spontaneously. It is important to teach the basic movements first than moving to more complex curves and loops.

Writing as a perceptual skill
Writing is a skill which involves very fine spatial judgement and good control of body parts. E.g. difference between b and d.

Handwriting should not be taught too early as development in a child begins from head to toe and torso outwards to fingers, so the child’s fingers are the last to develop, activities/exercises like catching a ball, squeezing the ball, scissoring paper folding etc. can be done in the Preoperational stage of the child. In the Concrete Operational Stage, major characteristic and developmental stages happen when a child begins to think logically about concrete events. They begin to understand the concept of conservations, that amount of liquid in a short, wide cup is equal to that in the tall, skinny glass. Logic, understanding and reasoning happen well in this stage. In the Formal Operational Stage, the adolescent or young one begins to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems. They start to think more about moral, philosophical, ethical, social and political issues that require theoretical and abstract reasoning.
Abstraction of Ideas, Deductive Logic, Abstract Thought, Problem solving, Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning all becomes this stage part. A balance does happen between assimilation and accommodation where a cognitive intellectual growth happens.
Grapho Remedy is a form of reverse psychology accomplished through Handwriting exercises specifically designed to bring about more desirable personality traits. By doing these exercise you are accomplishing a gradual re grooving or retraining of the subconscious mind.

This complex occupational task has many underlying component skills that may interfere with Handwriting performance. Fine motor control, bilateral and visual-motor integration, motor planning, in-hand manipulation, proprioception, visual perception, sustention, and sensory awareness of the fingers are some of the component skills identified.

Explaining some patterns for example: Anticlockwise circle helps in breathing in positivity, enhances energy, motivates and helps in healthy initiative. This pattern ensures encouragement, builds confidence, and results in better planning and confident exposure.

Also, the pattern of Vertical lines indicates the planting of thoughts and ideas, which means giving them a foundation root and Horizontal lines nourish and nurtures the mind towards future and growth. Meticulous planning enables growth and stability with these lines.

Despite the widespread use of computers, legible Handwriting remains an IMPORTANT life skill that deserves greater attention from Graphologists Educators and Health Practitioners.

Handwriting should not be taught too early as development in a child begins from head to toe and torso outwards to fingers, so the child’s fingers are the last to develop, activities/exercises like catching a ball, squeezing the ball, scissoring paper folding etc. can be done in the Preoperational stage of the child. In the Concrete Operational Stage, major characteristic and developmental stages happen when a child begins to think logically about concrete events. They begin to understand the concept of conservations, that amount of liquid in a short, wide cup is equal to that in the tall, skinny glass. Logic, understanding and reasoning happen well in this stage. In the Formal Operational Stage, the adolescent or young one begins to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems. They start to think more about moral, philosophical, ethical, social and political issues that require theoretical and abstract reasoning.
Abstraction of Ideas, Deductive Logic, Abstract Thought, Problem solving, Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning all becomes this stage part. A balance does happen between assimilation and accommodation where a cognitive intellectual growth happens.
Grapho Remedy is a form of reverse psychology accomplished through Handwriting exercises specifically designed to bring about more desirable personality traits. By doing these exercise you are accomplishing a gradual re grooving or retraining of the subconscious mind.

This complex occupational task has many underlying component skills that may interfere with Handwriting performance. Fine motor control, bilateral and visual-motor integration, motor planning, in-hand manipulation, proprioception, visual perception, sustention, and sensory awareness of the fingers are some of the component skills identified.

Explaining some patterns for example: Anticlockwise circle helps in breathing in positivity, enhances energy, motivates and helps in healthy initiative. This pattern ensures encouragement, builds confidence, and results in better planning and confident exposure.

Also, the pattern of Vertical lines indicates the planting of thoughts and ideas, which means giving them a foundation root and Horizontal lines nourish and nurtures the mind towards future and growth. Meticulous planning enables growth and stability with these lines.

Despite the widespread use of computers, legible Handwriting remains an IMPORTANT life skill that deserves greater attention from Graphologists Educators and Health Practitioners.

Reverse engineering through patterns

People are difficult to read. It can take years to understand an individual’s personality traits and oneself. Handwriting is the Psychological imprint of a person on the paper.
Graphotherapy is a means of making conscious alterations in your handwriting and writing patterns in order to effect desired subconscious changes in your personality.

Universal Pattern

Scroll (right|left) to see the patterns.
Check videos posted below , to know more about patterns.

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