About Us

A journey within

There is nothing more alluring than reading something handwritten which carries all the essence of the writer. No matter how much Artificial intelligence is used in the advanced form, handwriting is the passage from heart to the brain which defines our individual personalities.

The Art of Handwriting is the art of discovering your belief your work style your thought process. I feel and I am alive, I am releasing. I am me when I am writing.



My purpose is in the upgradation of the human race towards a better emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual and creative quotient. Through Handwriting, Neuro Linguistic Programing and Mindfulness we can master our subconscious/unconscious to know about our self-maximise our potential and attain personal excellence.


To Organize, Transform and Reflect the Human mind through the scientific tool of Handwriting, NLP New Code & Core Skills and Mindfulness.


Adding value to the young minds by improving the thought process through Handwriting Patterns, NLP techniques, Gamification and Mindfulness to create new states for Excellence, Happiness and Success. Impacting the thought process of numerous lives by 2027.

About Rachayita Manopratibimb

Reflections of mind

Rachayita means creator or architect and Manopratibimb is
reflection of mind. It also means I am my own creator, of my
mind through my own thought process, also translated into


The creator has perfectly created whatever is required and we are just replicating it. The most beautiful creation is human being and the brain is the most magnificent one. In the brain the Sub conscious/Unconscious hold the maximum space to archive all the data safely.

At Rachayita Manopratibimb we consciously do the process of reverse engineering through handwriting and also work upon the unconscious signals which our brain and body keeps sending to us. Through certain NLP process and trance we work upon creating alignment with our self and others, thereby creating a conscious awareness

Established and incorporated in June 2022 in Bengaluru India, we offer our services to individuals, (one on one coaching) students, teachers, educational institutions and corporates.
We use Handwriting, NLP and Mindfulness. We
also provide soft skills and behavioral trainings to corporates and educational institutions.

A journey within

There is nothing more alluring than reading something handwritten which carries all the essence of the writer. No matter how much Artificial intelligence is used in the advanced form, handwriting is the passage from heart to the brain which defines our individual personalities.

The Art of Handwriting is the art of discovering your belief your work style your thought process. I feel and I am alive, I am releasing. I am me when I am writing.


My purpose is in the upgradation of the human race towards a better emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual and creative quotient.  Through Handwriting,   Neuro Linguistic Programing and Mindfulness we can master our subconscious/unconscious to know about our self-maximise our potential  and attain personal excellence. 


To Organize, Transform and Reflect the Human mind through the scientific tool of Handwriting, NLP New Code & Core Skills and Mindfulness.


Adding value to the young minds by improving the thought process through Handwriting Patterns, NLP techniques, Gamification and Mindfulness to create new states for Excellence, Happiness and Success. Impacting the thought process of numerous lives by 2027.


About Rachayita Manopratibimb

Reflections of mind

Rachayita means creator or architect and Manopratibimb is reflection of mind. It also means I am my own creator, of my mind through my own thought process, also translated into AHAM BHRAMSAMI.

The creator has perfectly created whatever is required and we are just replicating it. The most beautiful creation is human being and the brain is the most magnificent one. In the brain the Sub conscious/Unconscious hold the maximum space to archive all the data safely.

At Rachayita Manopratibimb we consciously do the process of reverse engineering through handwriting and also work upon the unconscious signals which our brain and body keeps sending to us. Through certain NLP process and trance we work upon creating alignment with our self and others, thereby creating a conscious awareness

Established and incorporated in June 2022 in Bengaluru India, we offer our services to individuals, (one on one coaching) students, teachers, educational institutions and corporates.

We use Handwriting, NLP and Mindfulness. We also provide soft skills and behavioral trainings to corporates and educational institutions.

Reach out and let's connect!